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 文章 發表於 : 2013-07-01, 20:06 

註冊時間: 2013-05-02, 01:16

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來自: United states
The news does not get a lot worse than it received last week, but we should be getting used to it. These items seem to be happening right now every three or four months.Last week, it was youngsters mowing down youngsters with automatic weapons since the football team created fun of them, as well.Last year, it was a new nut case which has a handgun who went up to the U.S. Capitol and started capturing policemen because, this individual later told any psychiatrist, he thought they were cannibals, or something.Yet, before that, it turned out some kids who swiped guns and also shot up an North dakota school yard simply because they were mad, something like that.The excuses are invariably different. But one factor remains constant: People who had no business together with guns somehow found them.The gun lobby assures us stricter laws will not have prevented them, and maybe they're right. But I know one thing: If your kids who strolled into that high school had had hockey bats or even blades, most of the children whom died last week would still be alive.The had not been removed from Columbine Secondary school when presidential candidate David Quayle said, "I hope we cannot use this as an reason to take away pistols."No offense, Mr. Quayle. This ought to be an excuse to get to the base of things like this and find out that they never come about again. michael kors handbags sale
By David Paul Kuhn,CBSNews.com Chief Political Article writer Rep. Dick Gephardt can endorse Sen. John Kerry pertaining to president, sources close to Gephardt told CBSNews.com. The announcement is expected Friday at 10 the.m. in Warren, Michigan. Gephardt will then join Kerry to get a day of campaigning through Michigan on the eve from the state's Democratic primary on Saturday. Gephardt ended his or her own presidential campaign after staying soundly beaten simply by Kerry in the Iowa caucuses, a contest Gephardt won in '88 and which he attached his candidacy on this 12 months. Kerry went on to score a convincing win in this week's primary in Gephardt's home state of Missouri.In a election where recommendations have shown little sway over voters, nearly all of the Democratic campaigns have looked for the backing regarding Gephardt, the influential ex- House minority chief. "There are two reasons Gephardt's supporting is important to Kerry,In . said Donna Brazile, Gore's campaign manager throughout 2000. "Gephardt has a lot of reliability with labor. The states to come are labour intensive. Dick Gephardt has several institutional support. He still left the campaign about good graces. Dick Gephardt may conceivably be a possible VP candidate."This is the latest big certification for the Massachusetts senator. Before Thursday, former Ough.S. Sen. George Mitchell of Maine and Maine Gov. John Baldacci released their support for Kerry. And on Wednesday, the 1.3 million-member American Federation involving Teachers endorsed Kerry at the same time. CBS News' Beth Lester along with Ben Ferguson contributed to this report. gucci handbags sale
"I think the Titans will win by seven points,"New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani tells the particular CBS News Early Show. Baltimore Mayor Martin O'Malley claims he doesn't make predictions. Well, type of. "The only prediction I am going to make is that the Ravens can win that football game," O'Malley says.For Giuliani and O'Malley, "that ball game" is actually Super Bowl XXXV. And it's about much more compared to city pride. It is more about crabs."We have a bushel of crabs set because I didn't have to make it for (Oakland mayor) Jerry Dark brown," O'Malley says. Baltimore's Ravens overcome the Oakland Raiders 16-3 in the AFC Championship for you to qualify for the big video game.Giuliani says he was lacking anything riding around the NFC championship sport, in which the hometown New York Giants trounced Minnesota Vikings 41-0.But the Nyc mayor says he's ready for a pleasant wager with O'Malley. "I ended up being thinking of betting a horse," Giuliani says."The boots I'm wearing I won through the mayor of Arlington," he added with confidence, "when the Yankees conquer the Texas Rangers in 1996."Despite their swagger, New York's First Fan says he was surprised by the margin of the Giant's victory. "I thought they would get by a touchdown, maybe a field goal, possibly ten points,Inches Giuliani says. "But to earn 41-0, first of all, I never thought they would shut out the best crime in football."And this is the key to a Giant victory in Tampa, in accordance with the mayor."Two great defense. Baltimore has probably the greatest defense in the category," Giuliani says. "The Leaders are right up there and, I think, possess a better offense."O'Malley wants - at least in part."There's no doubt in my mind,Inch he says, "the defense can run all over in which so-called offense from Ny."(C)MMI Viacom World wide web Services Inc., Almost all Rights Reserved michael kors handbags cheap
Despite the occasional bust of your jungle drug laboratory, cocaine production throughout Colombia has doubled over the past three years. According to still-secret CIA estimates, it will boost again this year. Most of the drug is sure for the United States, studies CBS News Countrywide Security Correspondent Brian Martin.The Clinton administration is actually deadlocked over how much military services aid to give Colombia in the losing war versus 25,000 narco-guerrillas. The State Department is pushing for $1 billion for you to, among other things, train and equip some Ten,000 Colombian troops regarding counter narcotics procedures. The Pentagon thinks that $1 billion can be a political number intended to deflect Republican criticisms that the administration is not doing enough from the war against medicines. The Pentagon wants to spend only $200 trillion. The only thing everybody can acknowledge is that Colombia is facing what drug czar Todd McCaffrey calls a disaster. "The scenario is changing rapidly for the worse. There have been 3 nationwide offenses from the police and the soldiers in the last year,Inch he said.The guerrillas manage 40 percent of the country, much of it rural jungle where new fields for expanding coca are being cleared every day. The U.Ersus. military is currently training a single battalion of about Nine hundred troops along with a handful of Marines who patrol your rivers. But they are weak to stop the movement of cocaine. Your Pentagon is offering to coach two additional counter-top narcotics battalions, but proposes the Colombian military is way too corrupt to be dependable with large amounts involving aid.The Government is also reluctant to improve the number of U.S. military trainers inside Colombia for fear they too will be corrupted through the huge amounts of money to be made in the drug trade. http://www.prevoir-labelvie.com/ralphlaurenoutlet.html
International weapons inspectors possess supervised the full disarmament of the outlawed Irish Republican Army, a new long-sought goal of Northern Ireland's tranquility process, an assist to the process' monitor stated Sunday.The IRA permitted two self-sufficient witnesses, including a Methodist minister and a Roman Catholic priest all-around Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams, to view the trick disarmament work conducted simply by officials from Canada, Finland and the United States, your aide to on Canadian Gen. Steve de Chastelain said about condition of anonymity.The office of de Chastelain, who in the latest weeks has been in secret locations overseeing the actual weapons destruction, slated a Monday news conference in Belfast.The actual aide told The particular Associated Press the Independent International Percentage on Decommissioning news conference would detail the scrapping of many tons of IRA weaponry this month at a confidential place in the Republic of Ireland in europe. The aide chatted on condition involving anonymity because of the level of sensitivity of the situation.Equally witnesses — the Rev. Harold Great, a former president from the Methodist Church in Ireland in europe, and the Rev. Alex Reid, a Catholic clergyman — also will state what they saw.The cutting-edge should smash the largest stumbling block in Upper Ireland's peace process because Britain opened discussions with Sinn Fein, the IRA-linked party, in December Early 90's. no previous page next 1/3 polo ralph lauren outlet
El Nino, the weather titan that has struggling the United States from coast to coast this winter, is losing a lot of its strike. CBS News reporter Manuel Gallegus reports that will scientists tracking the next thunderstorm phenomenon, are finding in which cold water gradually is overtaking the actual villainous warm water in the Sea. This means, he said, that will El Nino-driven storms will deteriorate until they slowly disappear in two to a few months.Gallegus says fundamental essentials same National Oceanic along with Atmospheric Administration meteorologists which predicted in July that record rain would be recorded this winter in California and the Florida as well as Gulf coasts, predictions that largely arrived true.There is no doubt the winter of 1997-98 had been one for the record books. California had trouble with unprecedented rainfall with its accompanying mudslides and flooding. The North east was paralyzed by ice storms. Sarasota suffered its most hazardous tornado ever, getting rid of 42 people.There's, Gallegus says, some sun among these storm clouds. The mild winter months brought out some of the cherry flowers a month early in California, D.C.. and in California, there is a magnificent early bloom of untamed flowers.(C)Before 2000 CBS Worldwide Corp. Just about all rights reserved. This fabric may not be published, transmit, rewritten, or redistributed michael kors handbags sale

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