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 文章 發表於 : 2013-06-02, 21:49 

註冊時間: 2013-05-02, 01:16

文章: 25
來自: United states
A B-52 bomber and two fighter water jets pounded a alleged rebel position soon after attackers fired a pair of rockets at a U.S. base in northeastern Afghanistan, a military spokesperson said Thursday.No coalition casualties were described in the fighting Wednesday near the eastern city of Asadabad.U.S.-led soldiers were checking the area to see if any insurgents were killed, said U.Utes. Col. Rodney Davis, a spokesman for coalition forces in Afghanistan.Oughout.S. troops responded to Wednesday's rocket attack throughout Asadabad by firing mortars in the direction of the attackers as well as calling in air assistance, Davis said.He said several insurgents had been spotted "on the floor, in the open," but it was not clear the size of the group was.In a separate incident, attackers fired a rocket near a Oughout.S. base at Ghecko, northwest of the the southern part of city of Kandahar, Davis said.Just like scores of similar assaults this year, the rocket landed harmlessly and no casualties were reported. It turned out believed to have been dismissed from Mirabon, a village to the southeast, Davis explained.The news came while U.S. Core Command chief Generation. John Abizaid was on the visit to Afghanistan. Davis said this individual arrived Wednesday with Bagram air base, northern of the capital, and met Maj. Gen. Steve R. Vines, the commander of coalition troops in the country.On Thursday, Abizaid met senior authorities officials and Chief executive Hamid Karzai at their heavily guarded structure in Kabul, said presidential representative Khaleeq Ahmed. Neither men mention to reporters following the meeting.About 14,500 coalition troops, the bulk of them American, are in Afghanistan hunting down Taliban rebels and their associates. The Taliban were toppled within a U.S.-led battle in 2001.Davis in addition gave details about a surgical procedure, commanded by coalition causes at Bagram, that was released this week to hunt down insurgents in eastern Afghanistan.Regarding 1,000 Afghan troopers from the new national army were taking element in the mission, dubbed "Warrior Sweep." That they moved into Surmad, nearby the Shah-e-Kot Valley in Paktia domain, on Tuesday. monster beats by dre earphones
In California, U.S. Sen. Barbara Fighter is struggling in their own bid for reelection. Abc News Correspondent Steve Blackstone reports on the prospective impact the Clinton impeachment probe might have on the vote.The particular battle for California's Economic council chair seat is now as well close to call, together with polls showing Express Treasurer Matt Fong catching up for you to Boxer. Some people need on this race as a referendum on the president's problems, particularly since Boxer is said by marriage on the president. Boxer's daughter is married to the very first lady's brother.Inside a debate held Wednesday night, Boxer informed Fong it's time to talk about other items. "You move on to the issues that the people care about,Inch Boxer said. "I consider that's where the American people are. I think that is where Californians are. That's where I'm."CBS Opponent Matt Fong mentioned Boxer has never wished to talk about the presidential scandal."Barbara Boxer, your own silence for that several months was undoubtedly deafening, but your hypocrisy of methods you just presented on your own is ear splitting,In . Fong said.That was the particular harshest exchange of the hour-long debate. Throughout the controversy, however, each applicant worked to depict the other as extremist."I rely on Ronald Reagan's adage of peace through strength. My personal opponent has spent her career weakening our military,Inch Fong said."I have the assistance of The Sacramento Bee and The Bay area Examiner ," Boxer stated. "He has the support regarding Newt Gingrich and Oliver North."Low important Matt Fong has shifted from a virtual not known to a contender. Your polls are unclear on whether Boxer's nearness to the president is actually hurting her. But it's clear that a senator popular for battling can be locked in a definitive battle to save your ex seat in the Us senate.Reported By John Blackstone doctor dre headphones review
South Korean cloning pioneer Hwang Woo-suk apologized Thursday to the public in the wake involving allegations of honesty violations, admitting a pair of female scientists in the lab donated their unique eggs for study."I am very remorseful that I have to tell the public words that are too shameful and also horrible," Hwang mentioned, appearing downcast along with solemn before a new packed news seminar. "I should be here reporting the successful connection between our research, but I'm sorry instead to need to apologize."Hwang also explained he would resign because head of the World Stem Cell Hub "to atone on the public." The particular hub, launched recently in Seoul along with international researchers, aims to be a center seeking treating of now-incurable diseases and had introduced plans to open cloning centres in San Francisco along with London.Hwang said he'd continue working on his research at Seoul Countrywide University."I would like to cease my research ... nevertheless to return the mementos of the public assistance and those suffering not curable diseases, I will go walking the path of a real scientist," he explained.Hwang's apology came after the Wellbeing Ministry said earlier Thursday that an ethics investigation at the university found the two junior researchers gave their own ovum for research. Nonetheless, the ministry said the actual donations weren't in violation of ethics guidelines simply because they were made voluntarily. no earlier page next 1/3 dr dre beats wholesale usa
"VIP" actress Pamela Anderson said Friday she has hepatitis H and has undergone strategy for the liver-destroying blood computer virus.Anderson, 34, said within a statement she contracted the disease by sharing a tattoo needle with her estranged ex-husband, Tommy Lee."He never disclosed the idea to me during our own marriage," the girl said.Anderson, who has also starred in the television series "Baywatch," is located in a bitter custodianship battle with Lee, an ancient drummer for Motley Crue, above their two youthful sons.A spokeswoman for Lee, Twenty, dismissed Anderson's statement"Hopefully she will realize that she is only doing more harm to the woman's children and himself by trying to use your media as a instrument to hurt Tommy and their a couple of boys," publicist Beth Katz said. Meanwhile, Anderson's sweetheart, Kid Rock, explained Thursday he did not know she had hepatitis C. "I was with her the other day and she didn't really discharge that statement in my opinion or say everything about it. She's fine," the rapper-rocker stated during an appearance in "The KTLA Morning News.Inches "There's so much going on with the situation she's in this I really don't want to talk about. I think a lot of people attempt to say things that have become hurtful," stated Kid Rock, whose real name is actually Bob Ritchie.About 3.9 million People in america have hepatitis H, which is spread through blood-to-blood contact, sharing small needles for intravenous drug use or unprotected sex, according to the Centers for Disease Control as well as Prevention.It can cause jaundice, exhaustion, pain and sickness and gradually influences the liver, bringing about cirrhosis and liver most cancers.About 8,000 for you to 10,000 people in the United States die every year from complications as a result of hepatitis C an infection.An antiviral drug is one of the standard treatments, and therapy is successful most the time. red sox dr dre beats headphones
South Korean cloning pioneer Hwang Woo-suk said he was sorry Thursday to the community in the wake associated with allegations of ethics violations, admitting two female scientists in the lab donated their very own eggs for investigation."I am very i'm sorry that I have to notify the public words which are too shameful along with horrible," Hwang explained, appearing downcast and also solemn before a packed news seminar. "I should be here reporting the successful outcomes of our research, yet I'm sorry instead to have to apologize."Hwang also explained he would resign since head of the World Stem Cell Hub "to atone for the public." The particular hub, launched last month in Seoul along with global researchers, aims becoming a center seeking control of now-incurable diseases and had declared plans to open cloning centres in San Francisco as well as London.Hwang said he'd continue working on his / her research at Seoul Nationwide University."I would like to stop my research ... nevertheless to return the favors of the public assistance and those suffering incurable diseases, I will stroll the path of a genuine scientist," he was quoted saying.Hwang's apology came after the Health Ministry said earlier Thurs that an ethics analysis at the university found the two junior researchers gave their own offspring for research. Even so, the ministry said the actual donations weren't in violation of ethics guidelines simply because they were made voluntarily. no previous page next 1/3 monster beats dr dre earphones
The Capitol building is a little town within the capital of scotland- Washington. Everybody generally there?—the elected officials, the support personnel the firemen, the correspondents assigned there?—all know one another, if not simply by name, at least through face.The two slain representatives, Jacob Chestnut and John Gibson, were well-known to people at the Capitol, the ones people are determined that this officers' bravery be recalled in some special approach. "From the outset, the usa Congress and the congressional authority pledged that these representatives would be properly renowned for sacrificing their lifestyles so that others may live," explained Capitol Police Chief Gary the gadget guy Abrecht. "To that end, the congressional tribute honoring police officer Jacob J. Proverb and Detective John M. Gibson will be held in the Rotunda of the United States Capitol. "There will not be any business at the Capitol Monday. The members of your house and Senate goes to the floor of the home and Senate to provide tributes to the officers.Thursday, their coffins will be placed beneath the Rotunda, where the general public can pass by and also pay their aspects. Only 25 other individuals have had their coffins seen in the Rotunda in the good reputation for the United States. Abraham Lincoln ended up being the first to be honored in this way. The only other law-enforcement official was T. Edgar Hoover.At Several:00 p.michael. Tuesday, a commemorative service will be held for the officers, family members, members of the Capitol Hill police, and people in Congress. The v . p . and president will certainly attend, CBS Information has learned. Flags, which can be at half-staff, will remain so, at least through Wednesday. beats headset repair

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