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 文章 發表於 : 2013-05-18, 09:43 

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Is bathing just once a week healthy

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Expert answer Thanks for your question. Infrequent bathing can be socially, although not legally, unacceptable in our society, and poor hygiene has been associated with skin and soft tissue infections. Bathing is important for removing germs from one's skin as well as washing away odors from sweat and dirt. However, if your motherinlaw is otherwise clean (washes her hands regularly, spotcleans parts of her body that are dirty on a daily basis, and wears clean clothes for example) and is fully responsible for herself in other ways, this issue may not be a problem for her.

Older people with decreased senses of smell or vision may not notice odors or dirt as much as before michael kors factory outlet and may not feel the need to bathe more regularly. Also, if they are not very physically active or don't go outdoors much, they may not want to bathe for several days until they feel very sweaty or dirty.

There are many other reasons that seniors and the elderly may choose not to bathe. I often hear complaints that bathing too often dries out a person's skin. Furthermore, physical limitations and pain from ailments such as arthritis may discourage them from wanting to bathe. Assistive michael kors canada devices such as handrails, shower benches, and longhandled scrubbers may help in this situation. Older individuals may also become confused or fearful of water or the bathtub or shower stall itself. Memory loss can be a factor, and they may not realize how long it has been since their last bath. Finally, being depressed can make people stop caring about their hygiene and other aspects of their lives.

In summary, you may want to try to figure out the reason for your motherinlaw's bath refusal and then address the underlying cause to encourage her to bathe more often. But if everything seems fine, having a regular onceaweek bath schedule may actually be enough.

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The information contained on this page does not and is not intended to convey medical advice. CNN is not responsible for any actions or inaction on your part based on the information that is presented here. Please consult a physician michael kors outlet online or medical professional for personal medical advice or treatment.

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